Title: Apprenticeship
South Tyrol, IT
The Bank Apprenticeship - gain a professional qualification as a bank clerk
A bank apprenticeship is a strong foundation for young people, opening the doors to a successful professional career with numerous training and development opportunities. Südtiroler Sparkasse offers the optimal conditions for this. Bank apprentices work in the customer-facing area, handling banking transactions and advising our customers in the process. They also deal with account management, accounting, payment transactions, savings products and gain initial knowledge of the credit and insurance business.
Tailored Training
Training during the apprenticeship period takes place in a dual training system, which includes practical on-the-job training in the company and courses at the vocational school. During the apprenticeship, bank apprentices acquire a wide range of knowledge in the areas of credit and finance.
- High school diploma or university degree
- Age between 18 and 29
Südtiroler Sparkasse AG / Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano S.p.A Tel. +39 0471 231289
Abteilung/Servizio People Management
Recruiting & Employer Branding jobs@sparkasse.it
Sparkassenstrasse / Via Cassa di Risparmio 12 - 39100 Bozen / Bolzano www.sparkasse.it